Research Innovation Centers
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Research and Innovation Centers (RIC)

To make scientific research and innovation at PMU more successful and more impactful by combining strengths and efforts in research and innovation, research and innovation centers (RIC) were found at the Salzburg site in 2022. These centers are platforms and catalysts for increasing cooperation between research working groups (RWGs) from PMU or from university hospitals in the various health sciences. The aim is to coordinate the scientific information of as many RWGs as possible in the RIC by handling joint scientific information in consortium projects – thereby strengthening PMU’s research focuses in terms of their dimension and content design. Consortium projects are projects that are handled by at least three RWGs. The first PMU research and innovation centers to be founded were the “Novel Therapies & Regenerative Medicine” RIC and the “Public Health & Health Services Research” RIC.

Talent Pool 2024 funding application

As in 2023, the RICs (Research Innovation Centers) will announce the talent pool again in 2024!

There is funding for both, junior researchers and senior researchers.

>>> Submission deadline May 15, 2024! <<<

Junior Researcher funding program

The aim is to systematically train and promote the careers of young researchers. Project proposals will be funded with 12,500 € per proposal and per RIC.

Eligibility to apply: PhD students, postdocs

Please click at “Downloads” for Policy guidelines for the allocation of funds: FIZ NT_RM or FIZ PH_VF

Senior Researcher funding program

The aim is to develop a talent pool that takes into account the skills and profile of the new appointments and thematic orientations. Research proposals will be funded with 20,000 euros per proposal and per RIC.

Eligibility to apply: Assoc. Prof./Apl. Prof. and qualified research assistants

Please click at “Downloads” for Policy guidelines for the allocation of funds: FIZ NT_RM or FIZ PH_VF


Contact Maria Flamm, MPH
Institute of General Practice, Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine
Head of Research and Innovation Center
Public Health & Health Care Research

Phone: +43 662 2420-80430
Mobile: +43 699 14420057
Fax: +43 662 2420-80449
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Eugen Trinka
Spinal Cord Injury and Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg (SCI-TReCS)
University Clinic of Neurology

Head of University Clinic of Neurology

deputy head of Research and Innovation Center
Public Health & Health Care Research

Phone: +43 (0) 57255-34601