Nursing Science Online
Study & continuing education > Bachelor´s Degree Studies > Nursing Science Online

Study from home -
the online course of studies in nursing science

The Institute of Nursing Science and Practice at Paracelsus Medical University offers the bachelor degree study program in nursing science on an online basis. "Online" means that the study can be completed while working, from home and with individual time management. The actual attendance time at the university location in Salzburg can be limited to one week per study year.

The study program "Nursing Science Online" is characterised by solid learning offer, which guarantees the relevance, the practical orientation and the international aspects in the research and teaching. The high quality of the course of studies is guaranteed, among other things, by the professional study program management and the special training of the lecturers. The university is supported in the conceptualisation and realisation of the idea by the professional associations ÖGKV (Austrian Healthcare and Nursing Care Association), DBfK (German Professional Association for the Nursing Professions) and ANIL (Luxembourg Professional Association for the Nursing Professions) as well as by the Bibliomed Medizinische Verlags GmbH.


The various processes of change within our society require profound changes in the structures of the healthcare-providing system and thus also in the nursing field of work. A primary goal of the course of studies is to educate the graduates as competent nursing care scientists. With this innovative form of study, Paracelsus University reacts to the future needs of an education area for the nursing care professional group.

Along with the scientific abilities and the most recent professional contents, competences for critical thinking and interlinking between theory and practice are conveyed as well. By embedding it in a modern research infrastructure andestablishing a well-balanced relationship between research and learning, theory and practice, the study program "Nursing Science Online" offers the scientific foundation, which further guarantees a contemporary patient care by the training of "advanced nursing practitioners".

Specific features

Individuality in the virtual lecture hall

The use of special ways of teaching and learning and the so-called "learning on demand" strategies ensure a high flexibility with the goal to satisfy every learning type: The innovative building blocks of the electronic platform are interactive and live learning programs, special examination systems and web conferencing. The lecturers are regularly available online for seminars, in presence phases as well as at exam times and provide as experts in their respective field high-quality special-content and personal support. In addition, the entire learning process is accompanied also by support in the preparation for the exams; the learning time controls permit the monitoring of the individual learning progress. In addition, online tutors guarantee the direct contact between those studying and teaching, be it per e-mail, telephone or via forums.

Competence training

  • Comprehensive, general special knowledge
  • Special professional and occupation-related competences in respective, chosen main areas
  • Basic competences in the area of pedagogy and quality management
  • Competences in scientific methods
  • Profession-relevant key qualifications with the goal of interdisciplinary cooperation
  • Fostering humanistic-ethical orientations and values

Practice-orientated education

It improves the theory-practice transfers in both directions, among other things, through a 4-week professional internship with concrete objectives. In the bachelor study program, you discuss actual projects that are close to reality and are so designed for continuous exchange with the care practice.

Work experience abroad and internationality

These are realised, among other things, by the possible stays in foreign and domestic institutions during the bachelor degree study. The study contents are based on both the national situation and the continuously growing demand for new, science-based care knowledge. In this, the design and structure of the contents of the international study programs for care are especially taken into consideration.

Study structure and content

Study structure

By studying completely individually with largely free time management – with our innovative online study programyou now have the chance to graduate as Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) at the sophisticated academic level of Paracelsus Medical Private University. Our lecturers take care thereby of the correct mixture of of conveying knowledge, joy, study support and community.

You are helped in this respect not only by a well-thought, multiple award-winning study design, which is directly and closely practice-oriented, but also by an easily controllable learning platform which functions without problems and complications on your computer.

Study contents

The study contents are organised in three "levels" which are built one upon the other. At the same time, they are oriented to the needs of the professional fields as well to the current requirements of the work market at the places where the care is provided.

The study program in overview

Study design

  • Online, profession-oriented, maximum family-friendliness
  • Minimum attendance times at the Salzburg University location (three weeks for the entire study)
  • Starting as well as taking a temporary break are possible at any time

Study duration

3 competence levels (3 years regular study time, up to 6 years in work and study mode), 180 ECTS [European Credit Transfer System].
Every level can be extended individually to maximum 2 years.

Study contents

Level 1–3 are built one upon the other and comprise, among other things: Principles of the nursing science, nursing care, theories/models of the care, public health, project management, QM, pedagogic fundamentals, statistics.


Bachelor of Science in Nursing, BScN, continuing with master and doctorate study programs is possible. The study program corresponds to the Bologna criteria.

Study fees

The study fee is 2,480 Euros* per competence level
If the three-year total duration of the study is exceeded, no additional study fees are collected.

At the first registration, the following fees are due:
The study fee for Level 1 in the amount of 2,480 Euros, an exam fee of 250 Euros and a one-time registration fee of 190 Euros. This includes the starter pack (registration fees, study ID card, headset, USB stick with guided tour).

The Austrian students are entitled to a public scholarship according to the applicable Study Support Act (see

Advantages of the online study program


The proof of the pudding is in the eating!
Convince yourself of the quality
of the new online-based study in
this demonstration lecture.


Ideal for working people – minimum attendance times

The attendance time of the online study consists of two parts:

  1. Times the students spend online in virtual lecture halls at home.
  2. One attendance week per competence level at the location of Paracelsus Medical Private University in Salzburg (at the end of each competence level; three weeks for the entire course of study)

During the attendance phases, the acquired learning content is deepened and interconnected. Like this, the students are prepared for the exams that also take place during the attendance phases. To guarantee the increase of the personal contact during the learning on the web, online tutors are used on the basis of the moderated learning groups concept. The tutors work by individual mentoring per e-mail, telephone or via forums with the objective to provide support to every learning type.

Higher practical orientation

The target group to which the study is oriented are nursing caregivers with three-year nursing education from various healthcare areas, who have been practically employed (for many years) in this field. The scientific components of the nursing care have to be demonstrated to them by using a practice-oriented approach. The objective is to enable the students to connect the contents learned during the study program to the practice, to reflect them in their work, and finally to transfer them meaningfully in the practice.

High flexibility

The study offers high flexibility in the acquisition of the basic knowledge and deeper analysis of the respective contents. The learning platform with the different study units, as well as the learning objective tests, is available online at any time. The time management of thelearning groups formed by the students can be carried out individually. The lecturers are available in regular online seminars and during the attendance phases and provide a high-quality, personal support with respect to the specialised content in their capacity of experts in their respective special field.

Starting and interrupting the study is possible at any time

The high flexibility is shown clearly, for example, by the fact that it is possible to join the study at any time. Therefore, in the case of private or professional additional loads, which continue for a longer time, the student(s) can, after discussing the situation with the university, interrupt the study and restart it at a later time.

Qualification for master's and doctorate study programs

After the bachelor study is completed, the transfer to a master's study program is possible.

Admission prerequisites

The study is oriented to nursing professionals from the German-speaking area. The application for the study takes place online under the "Application/Online Form" menu item. Proofs about the professional authorisation in a nursing profession (diploma, education certificate, etc.) as well as general high school graduation documents (school-leaving examination/high school certificate, general qualification for university entrance, study qualification for studies at universities or comparable proofs) must be submitted in a certified copy by mail.

For interested persons without school-leaving examination/high school certificate, an admission course is offered. This permits to offer to the candidates, under certain conditions and after the successful completion of the course, an entrance examination in 2 parts and a bridge phase, in which contents from the regular study are used for determining the eligibility for the study.

Study fees and scholarships

Study fees and financing

The study fees are 2,880 Euros per competence level, plus exam fees of 250 Euros per competence level.
If the three-year total duration of the study is exceeded, no additional study fees are collected.

At the first registration, the following fees are due:
The study fees of level 1 in the amount of 2,880 Euros, as well as one-time registration fee of 190 Euros. This includes the starter pack (registration fees, study ID card, headset, USB stick with guided tour).

Scholarships & discounts

The Austrian students have claim to a public scholarships according to the valid Student Support Act (see


Admission prerequisites

Which admission prerequisites do I need to fulfil for the study program "Nursing Science Online"?
The admission prerequisites you have to fulfil are general higher education entrance qualification or school leaving examination, or university entrance examinations and completed three-year education in nursing care.

Is a study is also possible without higher education entrance qualification?
Yes, under certain conditions. To this purpose, please contact us.

Can I use proofs from other courses of study?
Proofs from other courses of study can be used if they are equivalent to the proofs required for the online study program. For checking the equivalence of the proofs, the corresponding documents (curriculum excerpts, etc.) from the higher education establishments are necessary. The Deans Office for Student Affairs of Paracelsus Medical University decides on the recognition after the submission of all necessary documents.

Application for the study program

When can I apply for the bachelor study program "Nursing Science Online"?
You can apply at any time because you are not bound to a semester start.

How do I apply?
You can find a link for the application on the Paracelsus University homepage( Please follow the questions and fill out the application form completely.

Is there a personal admission procedure?
Only for admission without higher-school certificate. The admission or rejection to the study program with higher-school certificate takes place exclusively on the basis of your online application and the submitted documents.

Am I registered automatically as a student at the Paracelsus Medical Private University after submitting the application?
No. After the complete submission of your documents, we will first examine them and then will send you a written notification about whether you can take the study or not.

Can I apply again after my application is rejected?
As a matter of principle, yes. However, a new application makes sense only if you fulfil the admission criteria. Otherwise, you can expect to be rejected again.

How long does it take until I receive a notification about whether I am accepted into the study program or not?
Between six and eight weeks. This time depends also on how quickly your complete application documents are received by us.

What documents should I submit with the application?
We need a general university entrance examination certificate, or school leaving examination certificate, or higher education entrance qualification, diploma (education certificate) in healthcare and nursing care as well as criminal record certificate / recent extract from the judicial record / police clearance certificate (no older than 3 months).

Why should the submitted documents be officially certified?
On legal grounds, we are obliged to require official certification of the diplomas and the attestations.

How much does the certification of the documents cost?
This is different depending on the respective authority. Generally, certification by church officials is possible at a low cost.

What has to be the quality of the passport photo for the student ID card?
The passport photo should have a resolution of 300 dpi.

When do I receive my student ID card?
You receive your student ID card together with the starter package after the study fees for the first competence level and the one-time registration fee have been received.

When do I receive access to the Internet platform of the study program?
You receive access to the Internet platform after the study fees for the first competence level and the one-time registration fee have been received.

What does the so-called "starter package" contain?
The package contains a professional headset, a USB stick with additional documents and information about the study program, a mouse pad, as well as useful tips for your stay in Salzburg during the attendance phases.

Study fees

What is the total amount of the student fees to be paid?
For the duration of the entire study program, a total of 7,440 Euros must be paid.

When should the student fees be paid?
The student fees for one year must be paid at the beginning of the first, second and third competence levels (2,480 Euros for each one).

Is there examination fee?
The examination fee is 250 Euros per competence level.

Is there a registration fee?
The one-time registration fee at the beginning of the study is 190 Euros. The starter package is included in this.

Start of the study program

When can I start with the study program?
You can start the study program immediately when the first competence level has been released for you.

What is a competence level?
The study is divided in three competence levels. Each competence level corresponds to one academic year and contains modules which contain different learning events. The contents of the competence levels are built one upon the other, so that the competence levels 1-3 must take place one after the other.

What is a module?
A module is part of a competence level. Several modules form one competence level. The basic knowledge is conveyed in the modules of the first level. In the modules of levels 2 and 3, deeper knowledge is conveyed.

What is a teaching event?
A teaching event is the smallest component of a given module and represents a completed unit on a central subject. Several teaching events form a module

Is there an order in which the modules and their teaching events must take place?
At the start of the study, you are offered two different paths along which you can complete the individual modules and learning events.

Are there exam regulations?
The exam regulations can be found in the general information section of the online study program on the learning platform.

What happens if I do not pass an exam during the attendance week at Paracelsus University?
You can repeat an exam once. In the case of a repeated insufficient performance, the exam is repeated before an examination committee at Paracelsus University. The date of the exam in front of the committee is determined individually.

How often can I repeat the self-study sequences on the Internet platform?
You can repeat the self-study sequences at any time. You have access to the learning platform round the hour.

How often can I repeat the learning objective tests?
You can repeat the learning objective tests at any time.

How often should I be in a virtual lecture hall?
Each teaching event of the study program ends with (one-time) participation in a virtual lecture hall.

What happens if the date of a virtual lecture hall is already occupied?
You select another date from the schedule overview.

Attendance times at Paracelsus University

What accommodation possibilities are there in Salzburg?
We provide information about the accommodation possibilities in the starter package.

When do the lectures at Paracelsus University start during the attendance times?
The lectures during the attendance times start between 8.30 and 9:00 am.

What obligatory literature do I need?
We recommend using the standard material of the respective lectures for the entire duration of the study.


Mag.a Gundula Göbel
Institute of Nursing Science and Practice
Director of bachelor studies of nursing science
Research Associate

Phone: +43 (0)662 2420-80355
Nicole Freywald
Institute of Nursing Science and Practice
Community Management
Course Administration

Phone: +43 662 2420-80331
Harald Mathä, MSc
Institute of Nursing Science and Practice
Research Associate

Mag.a rer. nat. Elisabeth Fellner
Institute of Nursing Science and Practice
Research Associate

Phone: +43 662 2420-80316
Ulrike Holz, MA
Institute of Nursing Science and Practice

Phone: +43 662 2420-80330