Training and Surgery Courses
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Surgical training courses and advanced medical education

The Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the Paracelsus Medical University (PMU) in Salzburg offers a platform for the planning, design and implementation of professional surgical training courses and advanced medical education workshops.

The development of novel medical devices represents one of the most rapidly advancing areas of medicine. In order to keep up with such innovation and change, continued and advanced training is required both for doctors and other clinical users as well as for employees of the manufacturers.

The Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology offers surgical courses and employee training workshops at the highest quality level for more than 10 years now. At the new Building D of the PMU an infrastructure was installed that helped to further improved the quality of the courses and trainings. The new installed dissection room in combination with the new single body storage system leads to high-quality human preparations with almost perfect appearance and haptics. The optimal equipped course hall offers up to 235 m2 workspace, state-of-the-art lecture halls for theoretical introduction or discussion are available.




  • Modern course hall with a total area of 235 m2, seven different configurations possible via flexible walls
  • Six mobile X-ray C-arms for radiological control during the procedures
  • CT image data sets for surgery planning before the course and / or for imaging after the course
  • Modern audiovisual equipment, including optional video transmission from the course hall to the lecture hall
  • Rentable accessories such as mobile operating theater lights, suction devices, saw-bone holders, beach chairs, power tools and Sectra 3D table
  • Thiel- or formalin-fixed and preserved whole-body preparations


  • Instruction and training in surgical techniques for the use of medical devices on human preparations
  • Presentation and testing of new medical devices on human preparations
  • Possibility to present and discuss the latest scientific findings in the course of lectures accompanying the course
  • Training in functional, systematic and topographical anatomy from basic to expert level for employees and non-medical staff ("Advanced Medical Education")
  • Organization of scientific workshops, congresses and "customer get-together" events


  • Provision of rooms, devices and preparations
  • Support in course-planning and -designing
  • Assistance in setting up and dismantling the course
  • Support during the course
  • Assistance with ordering fresh-frozen preparations

Contact scient. med. Eva Steidle-Kloc, M.Sc.
Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology | Salzburg
Surgical Courses
Research Associate

Phone: 0043662242080410