Paracelsus Medical University (PMU)

Receptor Biochemistry and Tumor Metabolism

Director // a.o. Mag.a Barbara Kofler

The Research Program for Receptor Biochemistry and Tumor Metabolism was established in 2009 and is located in the research and specialized laboratories of the Department of Pediatrics at the University Hospital Salzburg.

Receptor biochemistry

In the field of receptor biochemistry, the therapeutic potential of regulatory (neuro-)peptides from the galanin family is being investigated in the context of inflammatory diseases, regeneration, and obesity. The data obtained so far, along with the developed methods (including several transgenic mouse lines and animal models), form the basis for future research aimed at analyzing the therapeutic potential of galanin receptor-selective ligands.


Tumor metabolism

By conducting a detailed analysis of changes in mitochondrial energy metabolism (Warburg effect) in solid tumors, we are laying the foundation for our preclinical and clinical studies that target the altered energy metabolism of tumor cells as a therapeutic approach.


Barbara Kofler, Vizerektorin
© PMU / Markus Huber
a.o. Mag.a Barbara Kofler //
Director, Research Program for Receptor Biochemistry and Tumor Metabolism; CEO, PMU Science Applications GmbH