University course in Health Sciences & Leadership
Master of Science (Continuing Education), MSc (CE)
6 Semester
Total costs
€ 21.148,20
The "Health Sciences & Leadership" university course enhances your professional profile and optimally prepares you to take on leadership roles and excel in management tasks.
What our graduates say:
I can proudly say that my career, and thus my professional life, has definitely changed as a result of studying in Salzburg.
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Georg Mattiassich
// Head of Department (Class of 2019)
The intensive focus on the connection between management and leadership continues to have a lasting and beneficial impact on my daily work.
Nina Leiber, BScN MSc
// 1st Deputy nursing director
Working in diverse learning groups makes it possible to understand other professional perspectives on tasks and challenges and collaboratively develop effective solutions. Barbara Schreiber, MSc, MBA
// Chief senior physician (Class of 2014)
Another lasting and highly valuable aspect is the network built with lecturers and fellow participants during the program. I would do it again anytime!
Dr. Christian Dinges, MSc
// Senior attending physician (Class of 2015)
Sie haben Fragen? Wir stehen Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
Mag.a Barbara Karitnig //
PMU Academy
Head of the PMU Academy, Studiengangsleitung ULG Health Sciences & Leadership
Head of the PMU Academy, Studiengangsleitung ULG Health Sciences & Leadership
Mgr. Marta Nussbaumer //
PMU Academy
Course Administration of ULG Health Sciences & Leadership
Course Administration of ULG Health Sciences & Leadership
Barbara Andres M.A. //
PMU Academy
Course Administration
Course Administration
Paracelsus Medical University (PMU)
Studies & further education
PMU Academy
Health Sciences & Leadership