Paracelsus Medical University (PMU)
Masterstudium Public Health an der Paracelsus Universität
© iStock / jacoblund

Master's program Public Health

The Public Health degree program at Paracelsus Medical University provides future public health professionals a comprehensive academic education, equipping them for evidence-based practice in various fields relevant to public health.

Masterstudium Public Health an der Paracelsus Universität
© iStock / jacoblund
Master of Science in Public Health (MScPH)
4 Semester
Total costs
€ 11.530,80
The online Master's degree program in Public Health offers you an interprofessional, global and research-oriented profile that is unique in the German-speaking countries. Broaden the perspective of your own health profession and create new career prospects for yourself.
Siegel Fernstudium direkt

What the program offers

  • Thinking outside the box: Broadening your perspective within the healthcare profession and fostering a holistic view of the system
  • Flexible learning: Study anywhere and at any time
  • Work-life balance: Compatibility of career, family and studies
  • Global exposure and insights: International lecturers and perspectives
  • Individualised and tailored education: Opportunity to specialize through a selection of free and compulsory electives
  • Professional networking: Opportunities to connect with different sectors of the healthcare system


The degree program, run by the PMU Institutes of Nursing Science & Practice and the Institute of General, Family and Preventive Medicine, provides an interprofessional, global and research-oriented education. Upon completing 120 ECTS, graduates are awarded the academic degree "Master of Science in Public Health" (MScPH).

Here's what our students say

"The Master's degree course in Public Health at the PMU is always in tune with the times, super interesting and essential for the improvement of today's healthcare in the global population, highly organized and structured, flexible to implement while working, a perfect mix of individual work and teamwork and is simply a lot of fun."
Das sagen unsere Studierenden
Marlen, 29.03.2023 /
// Student Master Public Health
"The online Master's degree program in Public Health at Paracelsus Medical University allows me to study part-time and with maximum flexibility! Thanks to comprehensive support, the online program works perfectly and you can contact someone at any time if you have any questions or uncertainties. The international lecturers from many different countries round off the Public Health concept perfectly!"
Das sagen unsere Studierenden
Linda, 03.04.2023 /
// Student Master Public Health
"The Master's degree program in Public Health at the PMU Salzburg is well designed, with good materials and excellent lecturers. Due to the online study program and the study time of up to 4 years, a very good compatibility of work, family and studies is possible."
Das sagen unsere Studierenden
Isabelle, 29.03.2023 /
// Student Master Public Health

If you have any further questions about the program, please either use the inquiry form or contact

Valentin Fischill-Neudeck MScN //
Institute of  Nursing Science and Practice
MMMag. Dr. Hans-Peter Wiesinger LLB.oec. //
Institute of General Practice, Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine Institut of Nursing Science and Practice Center for Public Health and Healthcare Research
Research Associate Course Director of master studies Public Health
Theresa Sperl BA //
Institute of  Nursing Science and Practice
Studiengangsorganisation Master Public Health
